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Carmencita Navarro Jewett

If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain; if I can ease one life the aching, or cool one pain, or help one fainting robin into his nest again, I shall not live in vain.-Emily Dickinson
This poem describes Carmencita Navarro Jewett. From her birth in Cebu City Philippines on April 10, 1944 until her passing of natural causes on December 13, 2021, Carmencita was the single most nurturing and generous person you’ve ever met. She was always feeding people; neighbors, coworkers, fellow parishioners. No one wanted to miss Carmen’s egg rolls or lasagna. One could not enter her house without being offered a meal. Friends of her daughters would come over even when the girls weren’t home for a hug and a meal. Many knew her as the candy lady since she was always passing out chocolate-usually entire Toblerone sticks. Once, she bought a Coke for a young GI she just met because he mentioned he was thirsty. The garbage collectors could count on her to run out with drinks or snacks for them every week. She even fed the birds, chipmunks, squirrels and the neighbor’s cats. In fact, watching the birds with her grandson, was her favorite thing to do. She nurtured a love of God’s animals and plants into her children and grandchildren. Her garden was always so lush, there was nothing she couldn’t grow. When asked how she got plants to grow, she would say, “just throw the seeds down and they will grow.” A prolific baker, she was sought for her cake decorating skills. There was many a wedding that she catered with tiered wedding cakes and many a birthday punctuated with her Disney character cakes. Carmencita was also an amazing seamstress. She would make Japanese Geisha dolls complete with stunning silk kimonos and coifed hair which she either sold to customers or gifted to friends. Carmencita brought so much love and life into this world and will be sorely missed by her family and friends.
Carmencita was married to Robert Jewett for 52 years. They drove each other crazy, but their love was deep. So much so that he joined her in death less than 24 hours after hearing she passed. She is preceded in death by her parents Regino and Martina Navarro. And survived by her siblings Flordelis, Miguel, Elizabeth, Virginia, Mildred, Regimar, Alma; daughters, Heather, Christina, Cristille; grandchildren James, Jamari, Alyda, Anthony, Christina, Thomas, Ariana, Logan, and Ryder.
Services for Carmencita will be held privately with family.
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Sad 😥 to hear the news. You have our Sincere Sympathy. I’ll never forget her AMAZING Flower Basket Cake. Our family always looked forward to the Navarro’s cooking get- togethers. The European trip Norma & Vern went with them on was a WONDFERFUL ADVENTURE. Well Done Good & Faithful Servant 💖 RIP CARMEN & ROBERT
We missed you deary Auntie Carmen and Uncle Bob We loved you forever. Gone to soon but never forgotten from your Family here in Cebu Philippines
I’ll always remember Aunt Carmen for when I visited them in the DC area. Uncle Bobby was an incredibly energic guy and Aunt Carmen was a wonderful cook and loving mother and grandmother. They matched each other well. She always ensured that I would eat well when I was there. And she succeeded, always. Both will be missed sorely.