Pre-planning your funeral arrangements allows you to outline the celebration you’d like to have and can provide peace of mind to family members at their time of need. Additionally, pre-planning enables you to secure funding to further ease the duties for loved ones.
Pre-planning has the following benefits:
- Funds are secured for your funeral expenses.
- You make choices and are able to select merchandise, your favorite music, and preferred scriptures.
- Your decisions are recorded by the funeral director and stored for future use. You can even sign your own authorizations. The decisions you make take the guess work out of the process for your family.
Utilizing the expertise of a funeral home is an excellent way to prepare for the future. Speak to our staff to get a better understanding of pre-arrangement and to help guide you through the entire process. By doing so, you ensure that you get what you want and what your family needs.
Life Insurance is a powerful tool that has many unique benefits. However, it has it’s limitations when you are preparing for a funeral, which is why pre-need life insurance was created. You can use these policies to accomplish various goals, such as:
- Paying for the entirely of the funeral before death occurs.
- Using a payment structure that fits your current, and long term needs.
- Qualifying for government benefits.
Pre-need policies can be irrevocably assigned which can make the policy an exempt asset, ensuring that your family doesn’t have to worry about the payment (funeral bill) when the death occurs.