All Kinds of Grief.


The word grief is usually connected to a death of a close loved one. Hearing, “She is grieving,” is often followed by feelings of sympathy or understanding. And if you have lost your closest, dearest loved one, what I’m about to write about isn’t really for you. (But feel free to keep reading!)


My question is: what about your job loss or change? What about the friend you don’t talk with as often as you used to? What about the realization of some very powerful expectations that are simply not being met in your life and probably will not be met in the way you had hoped? Such as: a disappointing relationship, or education experience? I believe those are reasons to process grief also. What if we allow ourselves to be in a funk for a season? To express some legitimate sadness, anger, bargaining, etc…, without judging ourselves harshly or thinking we ought to just “get over it”. Or possibly even worse, that those things just don’t matter or don’t affect us. Because, in embracing how the hard things in life really do hurt me, or trip me up… I have actually found freedom in acknowledging how difficult my feelings really are, talking about it with a friend, and allowing myself to be upset… at least for a time. Listen, I’m not advocating for walking around in a constant fog of sadness and depression, or becoming so bogged down by the difficulties of life that I can no longer function. What I am saying, is this: Can we please allow ourselves to feel the hard feelings that can come alongside change or loss of any kind so we can feel it, move past it, and actually move on with life? Grace can be defined as receiving something that we do not deserve. I think processing grief in a healthy way, is a step to receiving grace for ourselves that we really need.


“God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God.” Ephesians 2:8


Would you consider joining our Grief Support Group at Nasinec Funeral Home? Tuesday Evenings from 5:30-7 PM for six weeks starting on September 27th. Please give the us a call at (507) 553-3124 to RSVP.


Looking forward to gaining more freedom as I learn to deal with my grief alongside of you!


-Pastor Hilary